Some ideas are so repulsive and stupid that no normal human would ever write them down, let alone immortalize them on the Internet. to stimulate a person's penis with one's hands until ejaculation; "give a handjob ". $14. The slang usuage of "Flow" in Hip-Hop changed thru out the years. n. An alphabetistic acronym (pronounced as letters not one words) short for Mulder/Scully Romance. slurs can be reclaimed and used by the person they were used against, for example someone who is black can reclaim the n word, someone who is gay can reclaim the f slur. An informal term that stands for or means something else than its literal meaning; a shorter way to say a word or phraseFalling in Reverse ~ post-hardcore rock band. In Armed Forces terms, this formal order is a specific command sometimes issued in a case where the strategic situation has become hopeless, the collapse of a force is imminent, and there is no chance of relief. Suzanne a local bar fly, would flirt with any guy whom she thought might buy her a drink. CBF. A term originaly used by Dance Dance Revolution players, meaning to "full combo" a difficult section, or the entire thing by not missing a single step. When a partner/person is down to be fucked when ever and/or where ever. Zoomer. Very similar to a button man. Bread: Money in general. Parenteral Drug Association (now the International Association for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology) PDA. Definitions include: to perform cunnilingus; "eat out". AMRAP – As many rounds as possible of a workout in a given amount of time, using the number of reps or times completing the WOD as a score; Bear Complex – a five lift complex consisting of a power clean, a front squat, a push press, a back squat and another push press. to be fresh originated in New York used by puertoricans or other ghetto people 2. L. The term caught fire to mainstream colloquial Standard American English jargon and, due to unfamiliarity with its origins, developed multiple definitions. Female Led Relationship. YourTango has compiled some bizarre new sex phrases and terms. when ur too lazy to type out urban dictionary. By. Where machinimas of games such as team fortress, gmod, and half life are made. Golden showers. 5. This phrase can be used for online and real life. From universal words like “goal,” to unique phrases like “park the bus,” soccer lingo and jargon is very common to hear throughout a game. The term also encompasses unprotected anal sex, and is sometimes used to describe non-prostitute (civilian) sexual encounters as well. But lucky for you, the brave contributors of Urban Dictionary are not normal. This is the unofficial secret API. Slang for butthole As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " butthole " are listed above. Find 21 ways to say RACIST, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. To be playful, too nice or caring with someone. An even shorter form of 'for real. 1. Person 1: Yo you checked out 2 chainz new album? It's pretty fucking dope Person 2: frfr, i loved tha carter 2 last year, he's almost as lit as lil pump!According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "butthole" are: goodie hole, churrotugas, toss the salad, sean hannity, and stink star. Buddies Doing Social Media (skit) BDSM. This is the only definition of ff that matters for the purposes to this dictionary: adj. If you are in a relationship with a mommy dom then you will hear sentences like this: Just do whatever I say. David Lee Roth. I don't wanna catch the clap but I'm plumb out of bloody FLs. to have the best clothes and sneakers looking crispyUrban Dictionary Ultimate Jayuby Technologies. erotic lactation). Related to sexual slang is slang related to defecation and flatulence (toilet humor, scatolinguistics). form. Most of the Craigslist profiles where the poster indicates that he or she is "real" are also snitches/informants. A "loser" is someone who doesn't know what they have and fucks it up. It can be sexual, only BDSM-based, or role-based. 9. The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. Some BS that FB made up to let all your friends/everyone else know who you’re currently fucking. Cherry Blossom Festival (various locations) CBF. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 取られ (torare) is a noun. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol. It’s when the traditional gender roles in a relationship are switched. Form (v. Image: E+) Their website says: "An ancient art in which a woman presses and rubs her genitalia and/or anus against the tongue, lips. A canine tooth, especially of a horse. He is the founder of the cult Franksim and lead and is the leader for people who return to monke. quotations . Reject nonsense. F. Flower. A woman who will just hold you until kingdom come. (25) Business & Finance (16) A-Z List of Soccer Terms and Lingo. Some of the kik users could be legit, but for the most part these are snitches or informants looking to expose people or set them up. a situation in which something is done in an exciting…. A romantic heterosexual relationship, in which the female has control over the male to a greater or lesser extent. Find 26 ways to say SEXY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. TNT: A loud but not too stinky fart. The cold reality of day to day life and achieving. Urban Dictionary’s top definition of a simp is “someone who does way too much for a person they like. It stands for My Love. When you and your girlfriend/boyfriend are on and off . If you meet someone in person, and they say "I`m a real motherf`er. Most of the Craigslist profiles where the poster indicates that he or she is "real" are also snitches/informants. short for "Steam Lung Therapy" - when you have to stand in a very hot shower for 40 minutes because you smoke too much weed and can't breathe when you wake up. Likes to ease drop on other peoples conversations. Not Safe For Life; when something is so fucked up that even the raunchiest people would be scarred from itA middle aged man that complains about everything and is self entitled unrealistically. She beat me off in the bathroom. A romantic heterosexual relationship, in which the female has control over the male to a greater or lesser extent. To be fly is to be cool, and amazing and awesome. Language: 🇺🇸 English. The relationship of both partners is based on equality and mutuality. Used by X-Philes (fans of the show The X-Files) do referance a relationship between the two main characters of the of the show. CBF. A woman that will love you for who you are while staying having that wonderful quality of dominance that subby males crave. See more words with the same meaning: sex activities, practices, moves. • Perform unlimited searches for free, forever • Define any word, whether it's slang or not •. for-real for-real. The paradox is that anyone who gets comfortable loses all. R. Zygotene. Of note: There is not a similar term available to describe male promiscuity since these behaviors are celebrated in masculine culture. . Spoken as ef-el. A female-led relationship (or FLR for short) means that you get to be in charge. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information. e. CBF. 10. Fairly Large Rock (astronomy) FLR. Short for " French Letter ," a term used for condoms by soldiers during the two Worlds Wars in Europe, but almost never spoken in full. (The "having testicles" = "bravado" relationship exists in other languages, e. A god. In basic terms, cuckolding is a fetish or kink in which a person gets turned on by their partner having sex with someone else. So? Why are you still reading this? Go outside or something. Being Dead Sounds Magnificent (song) BDSM. L. Having large " balls " or many " balls " implies even more bravado. ”. Also: Formed (past tense)and Formin' ( gerund) He said he slept with me! He formed that! He totally formed this story about fucking Pam Anderson . Especially popular in the 80s and early 90s, the ff look is. One a word is published, users can then give each definition a thumbs up or thumbs down to help. Also know as Dumb Fucks, Idiots, Fools, Dumb Asses, Dick Heads, etc. OFFICIAL Urban Dictionary app! Urban Dictionary is the people-powered slang dictionary. A song about words for boobs, 99 words to be specific Jugs and orbs and darts and gourds Elmer Fudds and bouncing Buddhas Sweater stretchers, lung protectors Beach umbrellas, frost detectors Scooby Snacks and snake-eyes dice Jell-o molds and high-beam lights Every day I probably use 99 words for boobs Humpty Dumplings, Hardy. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases that was founded in 1999 as a parody of Dictionary. Image: E+) Their website says: "An ancient art in which a woman presses and rubs her genitalia and/or anus against the tongue, lips. LGBT slang, LGBT speak, queer slang or gay slang is a set of English slang lexicon used predominantly among LGBTQ+ people. It's usually used to explain a feeling after the fact. Urban dictionary has two meanings for it: 1) FFR can mean "for future reference. So I guess you could flip. essentially an emoticon for blushing; can be any number of slashes depending on how flustered the person isFart: A regular, ordinary air biscuit. This can be loosely used to describe a mood, situation or routine behaviour (usually social). but some people today still use the old terms to express certain things cuz theres no words for what they are trying to say. R. It’s when the traditional gender roles in a relationship are switched. ”It probably hints to how the government is planning to ban Urban Dictionary because it speaks the truth about English and they’re jealous their dictionary can’t be the same. One will notice that flr is short for filler. Crunk — 1) a replacement for foul curse words (popularized by a joke on Conan O’Brien); 2) a combination of crazy and drunk, meaning crazy drunk (may also refer to people who are high); 3. Loading API Playground. Slang term for urinating on someone in a sexual context. The substance in which the floor is made of. Post Tags: # 4 Traits you should look for in men if you want Female Led # Everything You Need to Know About a Female Led Relationship # Female Led Relationship - How It Works and How To Get One # female-led relationship - Urban Dictionary # Flr Dating Sites - An Unvarnished Look at Female-LedFLR is an acronym or abbreviation, which stands for female-led relationship or marriage or household or dating, is a relationship in which females or women or wives or girlfriends typically take the lead role in initiating as well as making all critical decisions. Something to say when you reach a lull in an online conversation. something rlly weird and unnessessary ??? idk lol. . Urban Dictionary is the online dictionary with definitions written by everyone. BDSM. R. Take note: Some may raise your eyebrows or make your mouth drop. From universal words like “goal,” to unique phrases like “park the bus,” soccer lingo and jargon is very common to hear throughout a game. Independently, handing over all the power to the female is capable of reducing arguments and will then stabilize and. She beat me off in the bathroom. The name given to an apartment which you rent weekly or monthly. The name given to a woman with no or hardly any breasts. Female-Led Relationship From Wikipedia : The term female-led relationship (or "FLR") refers to a model for romantic heterosexual relationship in which both partners agree that the woman will act as the leader and ultimate authority. Description. Something that is really good, amazing, crazy(in a good way)DL DL means Down Low. Definitions include: misspelling (or uncommon spelling) of blumpkin. In Gaming: (verb) to farm; to stay in one specific place in order to aquire more of a certain item or money. A “taddletale”, especially in the work environment. On craigslist, an acronym for Long-Term Relationship. The name given to something filled with air which is now de-flated. How to use fluffer in a sentence. interj. Most people say Florida only has one season, which is ridiculous, for Florida has many seasons! There's tourist, hurricane, swimsuit, rainy, college(aka: Spring break) and snow bird season! If you're on the gulf, the best time to. female-led relationship. Fucker Only Runs Downhill. FLR. Urban Dictionary Names are what you get when you let 9-12 year old girls define their names on Urban Dictionary. Donec eu egestas dui. Write for a large audience. Cletus loves Ford he would never buy another brand of truck. Abbreviation for OnlyFans website. . 1. Urban Dictionary: F. as long as someone reads it and is a reasonable person im happy. Considered the holy grail by. com and Vocabulary. The woman makes the decisions to move the relationship. Rating: 3. its meaning is constantly evolving thru out the generations. This form of flattery stems from the world of gamers. cerebral: [adjective] of or relating to the brain or the intellect. A gentle dominant woman. Isn't too loud, and doesn't stink that much. A divine being with so much power it far exceeds the human mind. e. In such types of relationships, the female counterpart takes charge of most of. As Carol Queen, PhD, resident. 99 $ 14. or neitherHere's What It Means When Someone Calls You a 'Simp'. However, in many FLRs, women still maintain a strong connection to the home,. The Urban Dictionary is the website you are currently on. Tends to annoy the shit out of people for its overuse, and indicates that the user doesn't have the slightest clue what they're talking about. Wangle –. They are Losers. Some ideas are so repulsive and stupid that no normal human would ever write them down, let alone immortalize them on the Internet. Urban Dictionary: female-led relationship female-led relationship A romantic heterosexual relationship, in which the female has control over the male to a greater or lesser extent. Polo Democratico Alternativo (Spanish: Alternative Democratic Pole; Colombia) PDA. Promote your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks FL Fuck love Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced English-language online dictionary for slang words and phrases. It's important to keep in mind that the male genitalia should be handled with respect and decency despite the fact that this collection of more than 800 phrases for the penis may be humorous or entertaining. Fun to Run (Honda motorcycle series) CBF. But. BDSM. It’s closely tied to BDSM with overlaps like domination, submission. 99. Too long; Didn't read. to get fresh 3. Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving (Dutch: Central Bureau on Fundraising) CBF. 4. iPhone. 1) Child Pornography . This term was made famous in the great battle of the Sole Bay in 1902 where 14 peolpe died and 1. NTR or Netorare, (jap. 11 Sex Slang Words You Never Thought You'd Need To Know. Bondage & Discipline / Domination & Submission / Sadism & Masochism.